Care Information
Interested in Bearded Dragons? Below is a simplified care guide that we base our husbandry standards on and requirements for future owners
If you have any questions or concerns, you can email us, click on the chat button to start a chat with us, or find us on Facebook!
Enclosure Size Requirements (Minimum)
Babies/Juveniles (0-11.5 months)
40 gallon (36"×18" x18") tank size
Adults (1+years)
120 gallon (4'×2'x2') tank size
Arcadia Halogen Heat Lamp
Zoo Med Basking
Generic Halogen/Fluorescent bulb with a dimmer
Arcadia Dragon T5 UVB (12% or 14%)
Zoo Med Reptisun T5 10.0
* Should be half the length of the tank overlapping with the basking bulb
** Coil bulbs are not sufficient
Coloured bulbs are dangerous and should not be used
No lights at night - if the house falls below 60°F at night you can use a CHE :)
Babies/Juvenile's diet is 80% Protein (live bugs) and 20% Greens
An adult's diet is 80% Greens and 20% Protein (live bugs)
Calcium with D3 x 1 time a week
Calcium without D3 x 3 times a week
Vitamins without D3 x 1 time a week
Pellets, processed, manufactured, or freeze-dried insect food is not nutritional and should not be a part of your beardies diet
Decor & Beneficial Supplies
Acceptable substrates​ include tile, paper towel, or non-adhesive shelf liner
Unsafe substrates for our young beardies include any loose substrate, calcium sand, wood chips, walnut shells, and/or reptile-carpet
Temp gun for accurate temps
Digital hydrometer (amazon) for proper humidity measurements
Timer for lighting
Hide on the cool side
Flat & hard basking platform
Hammock (not required but many enjoy!)
Wanting additional information?
A fully in-depth and detailed document about Bearded Dragons, their care, and scientific explanations explaining these requirements is in the works! Check back regularly for a link to our exclusive full care guide!
Until then - do not hesitate to shoot us a message, email, or comment on our Facebook :)